
General Consulting

At Navigator Business Solutions we are there for you anytime, day or night, with a listening ear to advise you. This service may be as basic as a meeting via phone, Skype, a face-to-face concerning issues of the day, or a much more comprehensive plan to help you achieve your goals.

Navigator Business Solutions listens to your company’s needs, will do an onsite evaluation, then makes recommendations using a “Building Blocks™” approach. The client picks the Building Blocks™ that are best for their business, and ONLY PAYS FOR THE  BUILDING BLOCKS™ THEY CHOOSE!

Here is an example of the Building Blocks™ used by a recent client in the food & beverage industry to meet their goals:

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Business Consulting

In today’s economy many entrepreneurs want to start a business or existing businesses see an opportunity to grow their own business. Navigator Business Solutions takes your idea’s and makes them a reality, again through the use of a Building Blocks™ approach.

A recent client wanted to grow their business by franchising their existing brick & mortar stores. This is how their Building Blocks™ looked:


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Business Planning

In the days before smart phones and GPS, when someone wanted to drive a long distance, for example from Seattle Washington to Miami Florida, they used a road map. While just the thought of a plan may be overwhelming to some, it is simply a map that shows you how to get from point A to point B and who’s accountable and responsible.

Plans for a business can fulfill many different rolls which are all needed to one degree or another in today’s business climate; plans like: Business, Succession, Start-up, Logistics or Acquisition planning.

The number one reason businesses fail is because they do not have a clear understanding of how to get to Point B, then Point C, then Point D in their journey. Navigator Business Solutions will help you to develop your “road map”  or Building Blocks™ structure to meet your needed plans. At Navigator Business Solutions you CAN get from here to there with our Building Blocks™.


Real Estate

An effective lease must result in good business for the landlord AND the tenant. We can help you to acquire the right location through acquisition or leasehold and help with due diligence. This is an important Building Block™ of any brick & mortar location.

We have all heard that success is all about Location, Location, Location. Location is an important part of any brick & mortar business; However you can have the best location in your region and still struggle due to poor lease terms and conditions.

Navigator Business Solutions will guide you through the process of locating the “right” location, negotiating favorable terms and conditions like correct signage for your business.

Due to the state of the economy many tenants may be in a favorable position to renegotiate their lease. Typically this process will start 18 months in advance of a new lease being executed. Navigator Business Solutions has experts standing by to guide you through this complex but important process.


Brick & Mortar Design

Whether you currently have a brick & mortar location or planning on building one, you will need Navigator Business Solutions full facility design services.

To compete within the local and world economy, you have to have a current and relevant facility. Navigator Business Solutions has a team of professionals who can help even the smallest business compete. You will win by enhancing the “drive by / curb appeal” and “in-store” experience.


Inventory Control

Inventory is another is another Building Block™ that in building your plan to success.

Did you know that only 20% of your inventory drives 80% of your sales? We do, and can help you better understand how to get the best return on your inventory dollars!

Quite often in small business it is more like “Inventory Out of Control”. Too much inventory, not enough inventory, or even the right amount of inventory; An inordinate amount of time consumed in the process!

Navigator Business Solutions will provide simple solutions to help you efficiently optimize your inventory investment.



What keeps you awake at night? Security of your assets is another important Building Block™ to reaching your vision of success.

In today’s world businesses are more susceptible than ever to security risks. It is not as simple as turning off the lights and setting the alarm. From loss prevention to securing your network, building, and assets, Navigator Business Solutions have custom solutions for you to consider.


Procedures & Policies Development


The only way to put your business on cruise control to ensure its success, whether you are there or NOT, is through clear procedures and policies. Navigator Business Solutions can provide you with a custom tailored Procedure and Policy manual, depending on your preference. Your Procedure and Policy manual will live in the cloud for quick reference or editing.

Navigator Business Solutions can also create an APP based version for your convenience. In fact, we can create an APP to simplify or automate virtually any part of your business! When it is time to turn the “Keys to the Kingdom” over one day, we will make sure your business is ready.



The Training Building Block™ can be one of the most important aspects of any plan. Whether training for simple to complex aspects for the business or sales training, Navigator Business Solutions offer solutions. Some things to think about are: hiring/terminating, interviewing techniques, Profit & Lost Management, scheduling/payroll, sales, Etc.

Look at your business as a professional sports team. No team can perform at peak effectiveness without the proper training.

Navigator Business Solutions can prepare you or a designated employee through our “Train the Trainer” program.


crisis management

In today’s uncertain world, the Crisis Management Building Block™ is more important than ever.

Crises can be caused by severe acts of God like Hurricanes, Tornadoes, or Earthquakes.  They can also be caused by terrorist attacks, product failures, being sued by a consumer who falls inside your business, or even rioters walking down the street heading right for YOUR business. What do you or your employees do?

Navigator Business Solutions professional staff will help you to develop the Policy & Procedure for any potential crisis.